November 17, 2007

I'm Smart and also not so Smart

I have no idea what the criteria is for this evaluation but my site was rated College level for the Blog Readability Test. You must be this intelligent [--------------------------------] to read My New York Times. The Spoon also rated at a College level while my sports page, The Athlete's Footnotes, scored at a High School level. Dumb jocks.

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Anonymous said...

No, you are just smart [My New York Times = smart, The Spoon = smart and The Athlete's Footnotes = not so smart, so smart + smart + not-so-smart = smart].

Sadie said...

It must be all them big ole words you be usin' all the times.

Fletch said...

Blog Cabins is "High School" level. F*ck them, there stoopid.

(Bothe of thosse typose were intentionational.)

Matt said...

april - Thank you very much! I like to hunt down web apps that boost my self-esteem.

sadie - I like me big words.

fletch - Somohow I dont' beleive yoo.