November 18, 2007

Leave it to Korea to make internets addiction sound like a bad thing

Well, not exactly. Rising levels of internets access in South Korea has allegedly led to rising levels of internets addiction cases. The problem has become so severe, with millions of young people - most of them boys - spending up to 17 hours online every day, that the New York Times is reporting that the South Korean government is funding a boot-camp style rehab center to wean the pasty fellows off the virtual teat.

I was going to write a 10 page rebuttal to the preposterous notion that the internets is addicting but I'm still working on my "Why Babies Need More Asbestos in their Diet" paper.

The article provides further entertainment at the expense of South Korea's image with this sparkling exchange between a Boot Camp instructor and an internets addicted waif-boy.

“Do you have anything to tell your mother?” the drill instructor shouted from below.

“No!” he yelled back.

“Tell your mother you love her!” ordered the instructor.

“I love you, my parents!” he replied.

I have no doubt that some major network is already turning this into a reality television show.


Anonymous said...

I thought, until I read story, that you made up the "sparkling exchange between a Boot Camp instructor and an internets addicted waif-boy(heh hee he)".

Sarah said...

Holy....I refuse to address my addiction so there Korea!

Matt said...

april - Oh yes, it's very real.

sarah - I never try to give in to Korea either.