May 8, 2008

Things I Learned in New York

I lived in New York for nearly seven months. Here are a few things I learned during that time.
  • New Yorkers follow the Yankees and Knicks no matter their respective levels of douchebaggery

  • People dress much better on the East Coast than the West Coast

  • I still can't dance

  • Alcohol does not make me a better dancer
  • Plenty of jobs exist in NY if you're not afraid to be creative and/or freaky

  • Finding a good apartment and reasonable roommates is a lifetime goal

  • Subways are awesome

  • Always have a plan for yourself. Don't just live for the weekends

  • Nobody can support you like family

Good lessons all.


Sarah said...

Wait, it took a trip to NY to find out you can't dance?! :) Good lessons indeed!

Matt said...

sarah - I was hoping my life experiences would help out on the dance floor but I think I have to resign myself to awkward pelvic thrusting.

Fletch said...

"Always have a plan for yourself. Don't just live for the weekends"

I'm pretty guilty of this, but I don't really feel too bad about it. I think it's worked out pretty well so far. I'm like Indy, just makin' it up as I go along.

"People dress much less comfortably on the East Coast than the West Coast"

Fixed that for you. I haven't been to Hawaii, but I'm guessing it holds the title for most casually dressed state, with Arizona coming in not too far behind. It's 115 - anyone who wears a suit is doing so only because they have to (Or they're a funeral director. Or both.).

I'll bet you got a lot of lessons packed into those 7 months. Gonna miss it or had enough?

Fletch said...

Oh, one more thing...time to change the name of this blog, eh?

Matt said...

fletch - I definitely learned a lot from my time in New York. I think it was a positive experience in general, and I think it helps that I go into new situations with the expectation that some things I'll like and some things I'll dislike but I'm better off for having tried it.

A lot of people forget that mistakes are okay as long as you learn from then, and, for me, the hard part is putting myself out there enough that mistakes can happen. I think I did that in New York and I'll have to keep doing it here in Hawaii and later on in Chicago.

Speaking of which, I guess I should change my blog's name but I'm stumped for another good name. I can't think of any good Chicago newspapers that I can appropriate for my own uses. I might have to get more creative here, though if you have a good suggestion I'll steal that too.

Anonymous said...

Some of us New Yorkers prefer the Mets.

Mark Benson said...

Well said MATT, These sure are some things you will definitely notice when in New York.

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